Raldex Hospitality

Raldex Hospitality has 5 Hotel Properties in the Florence area… Hilton Garden Inn…
2 Hampton Inn and Suites (Radio Dr and Hwy 52/Stokes Rd)… Holiday Inn Express…
Staybridge Suites… Each hotel guarantees a quality experience from Check In to Check Out.

Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Inn & Suites 52 and Staybridge Suites all have amazing meeting and party space! Depending on room setup, can accommodate up to 200 people.

The Garden Grille located inside the Hilton Garden Inn, is great for breakfast and dinner and is available to anyone. You don’t have to be a guest to enjoy this restaurant!

The Staybridge Suites won Best Staybridge in America last year. The Holiday Inn Express won the Torchbearer Award which goes to the Top 5% of Express’ in America! The Hilton Garden Inn won Best Breakfast Experience in North America!

Raldex Hospitality won the Community Service Award for the South Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association.

Raldex is all about making sure the guest is taken care of, as well as their Team Members. A community oriented business who thrives on giving back to this community through organizing events to help our local nonprofits.

Visit our website: Raldex Hospitality


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